Invited Lectures and Panels
- 2021, July 15. Guest Lecture, COVID, Care, and Racial Capitalism. AI for Public Health. Organized by Ryan Burns, O’Brien Institute for Public Health and Department of Geography, University of Calgary, Canada.
- 2021, April 22. Public Lecture, COVID, Care, and Racial Capitalism. Center for the Arts in Society, Spaces of Containment and Care, organized by Nida Rehman, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
- 2021, March 5. Invited speaker, Racial Capitalism and Care Under COVID. Political Worlds research cluster at the School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford Universty, Oxford, UK.
- 2020, September 22. Keynote round table panelist, Political Ecologies of COVID-19, POLLEN2020, Bristol, UK. Online.
- 2020, August 27. Guest lecture and interview. COVID-19 and the City, URBNST 0019, University of Pittsburgh, PA.
- 2020, May 22. Panelist. Care, Social Reproduction, and Essential Labor, online panel discussion. Sponsored by Deakin University, AU, Verso Books, and the Relational Poverty Network.
- 2020, April 23. Panelist. Public Health, Inequality, and COVID-19, online panel discussion. Sponsored by UC Merced, York University, and University of Washington.
- 2018, January 29. Navigating the Academic Job Market, invited speaker, University of Washington Grad Seminar.
- 2017, June 4-9. Antipode Foundation 6th International Geographies of Justice Workshop, Montreal, Ca.
- 2012. International PhD School, “Tracing Colonialism and Orientalism in Social Thought.” Oecumene Project: Citizenship After Orientalism. February, Open University, Milton-Keynes, UK.
- 2012, February. “Cholera: History, epidemiology, and a case study in Haiti.” Department of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- 2012, January. “Primary Health Care: The role of FQHCs and independent not-for-profit health clinics.” Presentation as guest lecturer for Geography 280: The Geography of Health and Health Care, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- 2012, January. “Doing Ethnography and Interviewing.” Invited speaker for Geography 497: Tutorial in Geography for Honors Students, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Instructor: Lucy Jarosz.
- 2011, November. “Kickoff event – Climate and Diversity in the department.” Climate and Diversity Committee. Co-organizer and co-facilitator. UW Club, University of Washington, WA.
- 2011, October. Invited discussant and guest speaker at Coffee Chat with the Critical Development Forum, University of Washing, Seattle, WA.
- 2011, March. “Impact of the Haitian Revolution on the Americas.” Presentation as guest lecturer for Geography 435: Social Movements in Latin America, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Instructor: Ron Smith
- 2011, February. “Case study: Haiti.” Presentation as guest lecturer for Geography 331: Global Poverty and Care, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Instructor: Victoria Lawson
- 2010, August. “Primary Health Care: The role of FQHCs and independent not-for-profit health clinics.” Presentation as guest lecturer for Geography 280: The Geography of Health and Health Care, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- 2010. Participant in the AAG-sponsored Global Geography Education workshop at Nangyang Technological University, Singapore.
- 2009, October. With Steve Herbert and Matthew Townley “Assessment of three public safety / human services projects: Court Specialized Treatment and Access to Recovery Services (CO-STARS), Get off the Streets (GOTS), and Communities Uniting Rainier Beach (CURB).” Study findings presentation to the Public Safety Committee of the Seattle City Council, Seattle, WA.
- 2009, August. “Social safety net primary health care: FQHCs and independent not-for-profit health clinics.” Presentation as guest lecturer for Geography 280: The Geography of Health and Health Care, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- 2008, November. With Josephine Ensign, Zoe Freeman, and Nancy Kenny. “Community classroom collaboration: Bringing the community to your classroom.” Panelist for Provost Workshop on Teaching and Learning, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Papers Presented
- 2021. “Historical Geographies of Injustice in the Archives.” Annual American Association of Geographers Conference, 4-7 April, Seattle, WA. Online.
- 2020. Discussant. “Invasion/contagion : Entanglements of racialisation and biology in the making of policed natures.” POLLEN2020, 22-25 September, Bristol, UK. Online.
- 2019. Moderator. Pedagogies of Hope in Troubled Times. RGS-IBG International Conference, 28-30 August, Royal Geographical Society in London
- 2019. Discussant. Monstrous Ontologies: Politics, Ethics, Materiality 2019. 1 July, Froebel College, University of Roehapton, London, UK.
- 2019. Discussant. Theories from the South. Annual American Association of Geographers Conference, 3 April-7 April, Washington, DC.
- 2018. Co-presentation with Kathryn Gillespie. “From economies of death to livable lives: Toward an entangled ethics of care,” in Troubling, Extending, and Expanding Care, panel session. Annual American Association of Geographers Conference, 4 April-10 April, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- 2016. Co-moderator with Kathryn Gillespie. “Theorizing economies of death.” Annual American Association of Geographers Conference, 29 March-2 April, San Francisco, California
- 2015. “Monstrous microbes.” Presented in Liveable Lives session at the RGS-IBG International Conference, September 1-4, University of Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom.
- 2015. “The violence of waging peace in Haiti.” Presented in The Legal Geographies of War and Violence session at the 7th International Conference of Critical Geographers, 25-30 July, Jerusalem, Israel and Ramallah, Palestine.
- 2015. “Disrupting the (hi)story: reclaiming health citizenship after cholera.” Presented in Histories of the Making of Place in the Present: (Un)fixing texts and landscapes session at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 21-25, Chicago, IL.
- 2014. “Race, sex, and disease: Biopolitics and syphilis during the U.S. occupation of Haiti (1915- 1934).” Presented in the “Powerful Histories: Tracing the Legacies of Contemporary Racial Formations session at the Critical Geography Conference, November November 7-9, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.
- 2014. “‘When lives are at stake’ – the differential calculus of mobile bodies following the Haiti earthquake.” Presented in the Economies of Death: Economic Logics of Killable Life and Grievable Death session at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 8-12, Tampa, FL.
- 2013. “Clumsy beginnings: The shifting violence of humanitarian intervention from ‘modernizing mission’ to development projects in the first U.S. occupation of Haiti.” Presented in the On the Question of Violence in the Humanitarian Present session at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 9-13, Los Angeles, CA
- 2012. “Health citizenship and the geography of blame: Cholera in post-earthquake Haiti.” Paper presented at Oecumene Symposium: Opening the Boundaries of Citizenship, the Open University, February 6-11, Milton-Keynes, UK.
- 2011. “Placing Blame: The ‘confluence of circumstances’ in the post-earthquake Haiti cholera outbreak.” Paper presented at the 6th Annual Cascadia Critical Geography Mini Conference, November 18-19, Seattle, WA.
- 2011. “The Geography of Blame: Cholera in post-earthquake Haiti.” Paper presented in special session “Mapping the geopolitics of biopolitics” at the 6th International Conference of Critical Geographers, August 16-20, Frankfurt, Germany.
- 2011. “Health enclaves: Micro-territorializing global health.” Paper presented in special session, “Geographies of Global Health Care: From spaces of exception to enclaves of individuation, experimentation, and exploitation” at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 12-16, Seattle, WA.
- 2010. “A politics of care at the Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic.” Paper presented in special session, “Critical Urban Health Geographies,” at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 14-18, Washington, DC.
- 2009. “Nurses and the geography of patriotism in World War I America: Red Cross recruitment posters and American Journal of Nursing in the role of identity management.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, March 22-27, Las Vegas, NV.
- 2008. “Unionization of commercial sex workers in India: A two city study.” Paper presented in the Gender Commission Sessions at the 31st International Geographical Congress, August 12-15, Tunis, Tunisia.
- 2008. “Political opportunity structure in the fight against HIV/AIDS among commercial sex workers in India.” Paper presented at the New Scholarship at the Intersections: Care, Work and Diversity Conference, April 11, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- 2007. “Geography, cyberspace, and the application of law”. Paper presented at Comparative History of Ideas Senior Thesis Presentations, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
- 2020. “Authors meets critics: Serin Houston’s Imagining Seattle.” Annual American Association of American Geographers, 6-11 April, Denver, CO. POSTPONED
- 2019. “Effect of natural disaster and global response in Haiti.” Panelist at Physicians for Human Rights Conference, Planetary Health: Life in Our Changing World, January 11-12, Dartmouth College
- 2018. Panelist. Friendship in the Academy: Toward a Politics of Caring With. Annual American Association of Geographers Conference, 4 April-10 April, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- 2017. Panelist. Enacting an Inclusive Professional Community. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 5-9, Boston, MA.
- 2016. Panelist. The politics and ethics of vulnerability: exploring methodologies for rights and justice-based research and praxis at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, March 29-April 2, San Francisco, CA.
- 2011. Panelist. Interrogating Humanitarian Practice. Organizer and discussant at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 12-16, Seattle, WA.
Sessions Organized
- 2021. Co-organizer with Abigail H. Neely. Making Lives in the Presence of Death. American Association of Geographers Conference, 4-7 April, Seattle, WA. Online.
- 2020. Co-organizer with Naomi Millner. Invasion/contagion : Entanglements of racialisation and biology in the making of policed natures. POLLEN2020, 21-25 Septemberm Bristol, UK. Online.
- 2019. Co-organizer with Yui Hashimoto. Pedagogies of Hope in Troubled Times. Royal Geographical Society, 27 August-30 August, London, UK.
- 2018. Co-organizer with Kathryn Gillespie. Friendship in the Academy: Toward a Politics of Caring With. Annual American Association of Geographers Conference, 4 April-10 April, New Orleans, LA.
- 2018. Co-organized with Abigail Neely. The Costs of Decolonizing Knowledge, paper session. Annual American Association of Geographers Conference, 4 April-10 April, New Orleans, LA.
- 2017. Co-organizer with Abigail Neely. The Costs of Decolonizing the Discipline. Royal Geographical Society with IBG Annual Conference, 29 August – 1 September, London, England.
- 2016. Co-organizer and Chair (with Kathryn Gillespie), Theorizing economies of death [panel session], Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, March 29-April 2, San Francisco, CA.
- 2015. Co-organizer and Chair (with Kristy Copeland, Kathryn Gillespie, Amy Piedalue), Care ethics and social movements: Multi-species interdependency, intersectionality, and radical social change [paper session], Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 21-25, Chicago, IL.
- 2015. Co-organizer (with Kristy Copeland, Kathryn Gillespie, Amy Piedalue), Care ethics and social movements: Multi-species interdependency, intersectionality, and radical social change [panel session], Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 21-25, Chicago, IL.
- 2015. Co-organizer and Chair (with Kathryn Gillespie), Grieving witnesses: The politics of grief in the field (I & II) (panel session), Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 21-25, Chicago, IL.
- 2014. Co-organizer (with Kristy Copeland, Michelle Daigle, Katie Gillespie, Margaret M. Ramirez, and Amy Piedalue), Powerful histories: Tracing the legacies of contemporary racial formations (paper session), Critical Geography Conference, Nov 7-9, Temple University, PA.
- 2014. Co-organizer (with Kathryn A. Gillespie), Economies of death (I, II & III): Economic logics of killable life and grievable death (paper session), Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 8-12, Tampa, Florida.
- 2013 Co-organizer (with Lisa Bhungalia), On the question of humanitarian violence (I & II): (paper session), Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, April 9-13. Los Angeles, CA.
- 2011. Co-organizer (with Leonie Newhouse), Interrogating humanitarian practice (panel session), Annual Meeting of the Association of the American of American Geographers, April 11-16, Seattle, WA.